Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm SO green

I’m new to the blog-world – so bare with me… I use a lot of dot dot dots and dashes.

I’ve already started reading a few of the NUBLOGS. I’m going to link them somewhere… (here I go with the dot dot dots already!) & if you’re not on the list, let me know so I can add you!

Anyhoo, I’m going to try something a little off the beaten path so to speak. Down below is what you’ll probably see a lot of in my blog.

The lack of social awareness in every town/city can be frightening – to say the least! – and also very helpful – particularly @ Nip. These type of people (the socially unaware) mainly act as my resource for “WHAT NOT TO DO IN PUBLIC”.

But don’t count yourself out, dear readers… because we are all a spring board for each other’s social aptness – if you will. No one gets left behind in this vicious circle of society. Come on now, we’ve all seen an unfortunate human being (probably today,too!) and thought to ourselves, “I really hope I don’t dress/act/look like that… EVER!” And that thought… and collection of thoughts through-out our many adventures has shaped our entire social perspective.

Where am I going with this? I don’t really know… I guess I was trying to write some fascinating interlude to help you understand WHY I would focus on individuals such as these. In the meantime, just try to enjoy my observations. I suppose this paragraph can act as some sort of disclaimer for those who don’t understand… but it is likely that you will be the one I’ll have the honor of observing sometime anyway!

It’s always nice to hear a funny little story every once in awhile. Don’t fret! I can provide you with MANY of those… from time-to-time, of course ;)

These are fun – and I encourage other NU Blog/Video people to do these, too. BASICALLY, all you have to do is grab that digi cam, cell phone, video camera or whatevs, and document your day that way. Take pictures/video all day and upload them to your blog with brief captions. Your day may seem boring, but once you see what other people’s DITLANs are like you won’t feel so bad… HA.

Now excuse me while I figure out this bidnezzzzzzz

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